Wednesday, November 13, 2019



The steel fibers significantly enhance concrete toughness and it is widely agreed that toughness can be used as a measure of the material's energy absorption, toughness is the total energy absorbed before the specimen is completely separated.

2.Flexural strength 
By adding steel fibers, it may be possible to overcome the low flexural strength of plain concrete. Adding short, randomly oriented steel fibers increases the flexural strength of plain concrete by approximately 1.5 to 3.0 times, taking into account the steel fibers type and content.Plain concrete flexural strength is the stress capacity determined by a third-point load test, Which aims at finding the stress at the maximum load that a prismatic beam can sustain. Due to the after crack toughness imparted by the presence of steel fibers, the situation is different when talking about SFRC. The improvement in SFRC's flexural strength is brought about by the mechanism of crack arrest provided by the steel fiber. In fact, for the failure of plain concrete, steel fibers can sustain stress after cracking at strains beyond normal. While remaining elastic in the compression zone, some sort of stress distribution is promoted which approaches the fully plastic condition in the tension zone.

3.Impact Strength
The addition of steel fibers enhances concrete's impact resistance. Using the pendulum machine, a significant increase was found; the improvement was particularly favourable with crimped fibers. Tests conducted using the ACI committee technique one showed that SFRC improved its impact resistance by three to four times compared to its unreinforced counterparts.
In another experiment array, supported on their edges on concrete slabs with and without steel fibers, a dropping weight was used from different distances to represent different energies.

4.Compressive strength
Adding steel fiber to the concrete matrix can result in marginal compressive strength gains at a constant water-cement ratio. The increase in compressive strength is usually not statistically discernible with a steel fiber concentration of (50 to 90 kg / m3). Ests, made from the same mixture and containing bent fiber, revealed that the addition of steel fibers with different contents could increase the compressive strength slightly (about 10%) and the highest increase occurred at low steel fiber contents (up to 20 kg / m3).

5.Shear strength 
Steel fibers are found to significantly increase concrete's shear strength. The addition of 1% by volume of hook-ended steel fibers could increase the shear strength of the SFRC by approximately 144% to 210% relative to the Flat concrete depending on the metal fibers aspect ratio. Punching shear tests show that, relative to flat concrete, the addition of 75 kg / m3 of steel fibers with extended ends raises the punching resistance by about 51%.

Beam under Shear test

FORCETECH STEEL FIBER                                                                 YOUTUBE                                                                            LINKEDIN

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