Wednesday, November 27, 2019



The improvement of concrete performance inside these fields certainly builds the toughness of an allied application. Then again, utilizing steel as a development material likewise raises corrosion obstruction as a significant issue. With respect to steel fiber strengthened concrete, steel wire fibers belonging to cold-drawn group benefit from many counter corrosion mechanism:
- No impact on the electrical resistivity of concrete at ordinary dose.
- Discontinuous fortification.
- Smooth and thick surface.
- Small measurements.
- Moderately low electrochemical potential.
- No spalling of concrete.
Forcetech steel fiber

Because of these properties, erosion obstruction of fibers in group I is regularly higher when contrasted with common fortifying steel bars. On account of uncracked solid, fibers in group I are less delicate to erosion than strengthening steel bars, even when a seawater domain is considered. Fibers that are only arranged straightforwardly at the surface will demonstrate erosion. This
erosion does not enter into the solid and does not, in any way, lead to concrete spalling and ought to be seen as a tasteful issue as it were. Utilizing spotless or zinc-covered fibers might be an alternative to anticipate surface erosion. (Zinc covered strands requires protection against hydrogen development in new concrete.
Because of cost factor, hardened steel strands are usually of restricted down-to-earth significance.) However, in concrete that has experienced cracking, corrosion seems to be connected to the real crack width as well as exposure type. Like rebar, carbonation is less basic than the nearness of seawater or de-icing salt. The nearness of dampness is essentially more negative than an
atmosphere that is dry. While no huge erosion potential can be seen in cracks of about 0.5 mm because of carbonation, in a chlorine domain, the non-basic crack width was diminished to 0.2 mm. At 0.5 mm, signs of slight erosion were discovered. Equivalent ends have additionally been accounted for in different productions which challenges the greatest crack width method. When talking about serious introduction conditions, it should not be overlooked that most applications are related with standard natural conditions. Besides, the serious impacts of a chlorine situation are additionally notable for conventional support. On account of strengthened
concrete, there is just one layer of fortification. When this layer is accessed by chlorides, all the support is being influenced in the meantime. As steel fibers are appropriated all through the
entire segment, the odds are significantly less that all strands are situated inside a layer of basic chloride fixation. For the plan of structures, solidness requires either reasonable ecological conditions or little crack widths. The last is actually one of the fundamental reasons why steel filaments are utilized in numerous applications. It seems evident to utilize steel filaments to shield conventional support from erosion, particularly in a serious situation. The most extreme design crack width, obviously, relies upon the kind of introduction and sort of fiber. Some plan rules for steel fiber concrete relate ecological conditions to permitted crack widths. Extraordinary arrangements such as coatings, disappointment layers or larger than usual post crack strength may likewise be looked upon on account of a serious situation.
There are long-term experiences for countless applications, even in stern situations. Examples include sewer pipes, tunnel segments or exterior pavements. A huge number of square meters of modern floors, various passage linings, uncounted burden bearing foundation slabs or precast components are not left out and may give further direction on strength angles.


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Tuesday, November 26, 2019



If a fiber is skinny and long, it will work better in concrete. At times, it is stated that thin, long fibers with high aspect ratio are more exposed to balling in concrete and cannot be mixed at higher dosages. It is not possible to take this as granted since there is a proof coming from significant verifiable evidence of high l/d FIBMix fibers.

However, this statement is true to a certain extent. There is a relationship between high l/d ratios and a significant number of single fibers as well as a long, complete wire length. The wire needs to be placed here and there in the concrete mix. Hence, more attention is required to the mix design. If 40 kg/m³ easy-mix fibers (low l/d) is compared with 40kg high-perform fibers (high l/d), it is like comparing gold to silver. Rather than using 40 kg /m³ easy-mix fibers, 20 kg/m³ or 15kg/m³ of high- perform fibers will do the work correctly, in accordance with the types that are being compared. In a circumstance like this, things can be perceived in another way.

Exceptional systems have been created so that balling can be avoided while optimal fiber distribution will be enabled. The perfect pattern of delivery and right concrete composition with the mixing process will ensure that even 100 kg/m³ of high-performing fibers such as the FIBMix RC-80/60-BN are perfectly mixed with the concrete.

Example of loose steel fibers

For aspect ratios that are very high (l/d ≥ 60), other ways should be used so that FIBMix can be effortlessly and efficiently added to the concrete. An alternative is to utilize blower blast equipment in such a situation.

Using blower blast equipment to add fibers to concrete

A lot of users do not like blowing loose fibers when the aspect ratio is more than ~70, due to many practical rationalisms, including constant exposure to balling. Furthermore, additional time, as well as effort, is required when contrasted with other delivery forms. Additionally, blowing fibers is commensurate with beefing up fibers but not the same as dosing, most notably when ordinary equipment is used. Dosing needs a precise perception of the number of kilograms of fibers added to the concrete.

Glued Steel Fibers 
Glued fiber technology was developed to prevent possible balling connected to the addition of loose fiber of a high aspect ratio. As soon as glued FIBMix steel fiber is added to concrete, the clump circulates uniformly on the macro level. If mixing is continued, distinctive fiber will separate expeditiously in order homogeneously flow on the micro-level.

Example of glued steel fiber bundles

It is possible to add glued steel fiber bundles from the bag directly to the central mixer or mixing truck. They can also be added indirectly through a conveyor belt. Automatic dosing is likewise reachable.
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Sunday, November 24, 2019





Steel Fiber strengthened modern floors and asphalts have turned into the best in class in numerous nations around the globe. Significant structure strategies accept explicit models for the connection between floor chunk and sub-base. They contrast chiefly by the level of rearrangements that is considered. 

Normally the assurance of segment powers for mechanical floors pursues the Westergaard strategy which depends on the flexibility hypothesis. For steel fiber concrete, in any case, yield-line hypothesis has ended up being increasingly precise and in this way progressively financial structure approach. The purpose behind that can, once more, be found in contrast among segment and framework execution. 

Aside from legitimate structure and exact specifying, an all-around compacted sub-base, sufficient solid blend plan, great workmanship and cautious relieving are required. This, coincidentally, applies for any modern floor, may it be steel fiber fortified concrete, plain concrete or strengthened concrete. 

In many nations, modern floors are perceived as "minor structures", in any event from an auxiliary perspective. Therefore, unique security ideas might be received contrasted with "genuine" structures. In any case, this may not prompt a poor plan approach. 

On a fundamental level, two distinct kinds of floors are recognized: saw cut floors as well as "jointless" floors. Saw cuts are acquainted at moderately short interims so that cracking can be enforced. Restriction stresses are along these lines wiped out or essentially decreased. Average joint separations are 4m to 8m, in spite of the fact that others are conceivable and may even be required.

Spalling of saw slice joints because of substantial or potentially regular traffic burdens like forklifts can be anticipated by deciding for the alleged "jointless"-floor idea. For this situation, no observed stops are presented at interims, however, unique joint profiles are put at separations of around 30 m to 40 m. This idea has uncommon structure, specifying, solid arrangement, placing as well as curing prerequisites. 

Utilizing steel filaments decreases numerous detriments identified with plain cement mechanical floors. When split, plain solid floors lose significant usefulness properties and even burden-bearing limit may end up being an issue, at any rate in the short term. Steel fiber solid floors keep up both even in the broken state, as yet taking into account higher loadings. Slenderer chunks can be executed while leaving load-bearing limit unaltered. Moreover, sway opposition is enhanced though split obstruction is expanded.

Contrasted with fortified concrete, no work should be introduced so that solid trucks can legitimately drive by and pour the solid accordingly. There is no compelling reason to stress if the fortification was set in the correct position. It takes into account faster development and does not prevent the utilization of advanced techniques like laser-screed as well as topping spreader, which enhances quality and speed.

These and different advantages have persuaded countless clients around the globe, either producers on the local scene or worldwide organizations. 

FORCETECH gives point-by-point, specialized help as regards designing, enumerating and accomplishment of steel fiber concrete mechanical floors. 

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FIBMIX Steel Fiber For Laser Screed and Industrial flooring Cold-drawn hooked ends steel fiber FIBMIX 3X is manufactured by a quality base low carbon steel bar, which has excellent mechanical properties including high tensile strength. LaserScreed improves the floor flatness and increases productivity while the steel fibers improve the performance of the slab. Steel fiber FIBMIX - 3X reinforcing is included in the concrete mix and does not impede the movement of the LaserScreed. This is not true with conventional reinforcement as it must be “chaired” in position before the concrete is deposited on the subgrade. This decreases the mobility of the Laser Screed and makes it almost impossible to get the mesh in the proper position. For More information Website : YouTube: channel Videos: Facebook: twitter: Instagram: Products : Glued Steel Fiber : Loose Steel Fiber : Contact Us :



Quality control is a basic component in giving protected and solid structures. Regardless of steel fibers being used as a part of the concrete, quality control should not be dismissed by embracing the mentality "Everything is in the concrete – I don't think I check it!". In majority of situations, a couple of basic advances are adequate to check if the important conditions are fulfilled. Concerning steel fiber reinforced concrete, it is highly essential to know whether the:

       Fibers have the right quality certificates.

       Perfect types of fibers were utilized.

       Perfect measure of fibers was utilized.

       Fibers are appropriated consistently.

       Prerequisite performance can be given by the concrete mix.

Contingent upon the application, concrete makers and end clients commonality with steel fiber concrete, all or just a few checks must be carried out at a sensible recurrence. This may likewise be dependent on the complete volume of steel fiber reinforced concrete provided by a manufacturer. 

The quality control routine might be centered around either material or procedure control. Material control fundamentally centers around controlling the material properties of the conveyed item. Constant testing of post-crack strength is a reasonable choice for this methodology. Ordinarily, a lot of examples (pillar, round determinate board and so on) for specific volume of steel fiber concrete require testing.

A procedure control based methodology, nonetheless, would prefer to concentrate on controlling all means when producing steel fiber reinforced concrete as opposed to testing what has turned out subsequently. Testing post break quality would, obviously, still be basic yet the recurrence could be decreased if there trust in the reliability of the procedure.

When post crack quality has been resolved (starting sort testing) and if concrete structure, fiber type or quantity are not altered, performance will be enhanced the fiber distribution and fiber content control. At whatever point significant parameters in the process change, introductory type testing must be rehashed. Affirmation testing can be carried out at specific interims. Since concrete compressive quality requires testing, extra control conceivable outcomes are given. When the compressive quality drops, the post-split quality may also drop.

Part of the real necessities of the procedure control idea is affirmed material as well as equipment.

FORCETECH has likewise come up with a quality control notion known as FIBMix® QPC – Quality Performance Concrete and this is particularly appropriate for ready-mix applications as well as markets with no standards for steel fiber concrete quality control.


There is strong connection between performance and the quality control routine used for a product. Steel fibers are not exempted. It might be dangerous to depend on the guarantees of a producer alone. On the other hand, there are universal standards for creation as well as quality control of steel fibers. Contingent upon the individual nation, there may be local approvals for replacement and amendment. ISO 9001 endorsed plants as well as quality control in accordance to required standards while endorsement should be viewed as cutting-edge - the least that should be accepted in today's world.

Significant data, like geometric information, elasticity and l/d-ratio must be revealed on the label. Besides, a base dose must be announced which is identified with a required least performance. This permits performance level estimate of a fiber without the requirement for extra examination. 

As per EN 14889-1, "structural use of fibers is where the addition of fibers is designed to contribute to the load bearing capacity of a concrete element." But it additionally determines steel fibers for other purposes apart from structural deployment. In this way, fibers should not be mistaken for statement of conformity for fibers having the EC-certificate of conformity. The genuine distinction between those items might be huge.

So as to keep away from any possible hazard, steel fiber ought to dependably follow system "1", affirmed by a conformity certificate from EC.

FIBMix® steel fibers are manufactured with the aid of system "1" and this makes them suitable for structural deployment

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Wednesday, November 13, 2019



The steel fibers significantly enhance concrete toughness and it is widely agreed that toughness can be used as a measure of the material's energy absorption, toughness is the total energy absorbed before the specimen is completely separated.

2.Flexural strength 
By adding steel fibers, it may be possible to overcome the low flexural strength of plain concrete. Adding short, randomly oriented steel fibers increases the flexural strength of plain concrete by approximately 1.5 to 3.0 times, taking into account the steel fibers type and content.Plain concrete flexural strength is the stress capacity determined by a third-point load test, Which aims at finding the stress at the maximum load that a prismatic beam can sustain. Due to the after crack toughness imparted by the presence of steel fibers, the situation is different when talking about SFRC. The improvement in SFRC's flexural strength is brought about by the mechanism of crack arrest provided by the steel fiber. In fact, for the failure of plain concrete, steel fibers can sustain stress after cracking at strains beyond normal. While remaining elastic in the compression zone, some sort of stress distribution is promoted which approaches the fully plastic condition in the tension zone.

3.Impact Strength
The addition of steel fibers enhances concrete's impact resistance. Using the pendulum machine, a significant increase was found; the improvement was particularly favourable with crimped fibers. Tests conducted using the ACI committee technique one showed that SFRC improved its impact resistance by three to four times compared to its unreinforced counterparts.
In another experiment array, supported on their edges on concrete slabs with and without steel fibers, a dropping weight was used from different distances to represent different energies.

4.Compressive strength
Adding steel fiber to the concrete matrix can result in marginal compressive strength gains at a constant water-cement ratio. The increase in compressive strength is usually not statistically discernible with a steel fiber concentration of (50 to 90 kg / m3). Ests, made from the same mixture and containing bent fiber, revealed that the addition of steel fibers with different contents could increase the compressive strength slightly (about 10%) and the highest increase occurred at low steel fiber contents (up to 20 kg / m3).

5.Shear strength 
Steel fibers are found to significantly increase concrete's shear strength. The addition of 1% by volume of hook-ended steel fibers could increase the shear strength of the SFRC by approximately 144% to 210% relative to the Flat concrete depending on the metal fibers aspect ratio. Punching shear tests show that, relative to flat concrete, the addition of 75 kg / m3 of steel fibers with extended ends raises the punching resistance by about 51%.

Beam under Shear test

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Sunday, November 10, 2019



Designing and pouring jointless floors using Steel Fiber Reinforcement and Laser Screeding Technology is the latest in concrete flooring technology.The word jointless can be misleading because the concrete area has a practical upper limit that can be placed in a single continuous operation. No joints are sawn, but steel fibers incorporated in the concrete mix control the width and distribution of cracks resulting from shrinking.Usually it is not possible to ensure that there are no visible cracks on the ground. Therefore performance criteria should be established with respect to the width and frequency of cracks.

                                                                                                                        Jointless SFRC floor
The potential to have relatively large parts of the floor without joints is a bonus of joint floors for the building client. Nevertheless, at the edges of each region, the shaped free-movement joints will be wider than in floors with multiple sawn joints, usually opening by 20 mm.Joint fiber reinforced concrete floors are a new, high-quality alternative to traditional concrete floors with saw-cut joints. Usually, when the distance between joints is at least 12 m, we are talking about a jointless floor and it can reach 45-50 m under certain conditions. In practice, this means that a concrete floor with a surface area up to 2500 m2 can be laid without cutting the saw.

The fields are limited and shaped when making joint floors using manufactured special profiles for expansion joints with dowels installed and integrated joint edge protection. The dowels contribute to the transfer of load between the two adjacent fields and allow the joint to be opened up to 30 mm due to shrinking or temperature differences.

By replacing traditional welded mesh reinforcement with high-end structural steel fibers the loading bearing capacity of the floor increases significantly, thus achieving greater control over the cracks. It is possible to make a jointless field of large bay areas because of the steel fibers bridge the cracks that form in the concrete and prevent their further opening  into larger cracks.

Advantages of Jointless SFRC Floor
  • Less floor thickness compared with that of floors with conventional reinforcement due to the ability of fiber to accept plastic loads
  • Reducing the length of joints up to 75%
  • Decreased curling of the floor, which means: lower maintenance costs of servicing warehouse equipment (forklift trucks, reach trucks, VNA machines, etc.). the higher
  • speed of service equipment, higher productivity of the warehouse activities
  • Reduced health complaints from drivers of the servicing warehouse equipment
  • Aesthetic appearance on the floor
  • Increased dynamic strength and impact resistance
  • Less damage to edges and corners.
  • Racking and equipment can be placed on the floor anywhere –no traditional considerations
  • Reducing chances of compromise joints and related repair activities, which means lower maintenance costs on the floor.
  • Excellent fatigue and endurance Shrinkage and crack control Increased tensile strength, compression
  • shear flexural strength
  • High impact resistance Faster floor construction

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FIBMIX Steel Fiber For Laser Screed and Industrial flooring Cold-drawn hooked ends steel fiber FIBMIX 3X is manufactured by a quality base low carbon steel bar, which has excellent mechanical properties including high tensile strength. LaserScreed improves the floor flatness and increases productivity while the steel fibers improve the performance of the slab. Steel fiber FIBMIX - 3X reinforcing is included in the concrete mix and does not impede the movement of the LaserScreed. This is not true with conventional reinforcement as it must be “chaired” in position before the concrete is deposited on the subgrade. This decreases the mobility of the Laser Screed and makes it almost impossible to get the mesh in the proper position. For More information Website : YouTube: channel Videos: Facebook: twitter: Instagram: Products : Glued Steel Fiber : Loose Steel Fiber : Contact Us :