Thursday, April 30, 2020



Seamless industrial floors are increasingly replacing jointless floors. Whereas jointless floors still have contraction joints every 40 meters or less, seamless floors have no joints whatsoever, no matter how large the surface of the floor is. The optimized crack control and high impact resistance of the series in combination with only a top mesh provides a system with intensive usage, and reduced maintenance and repair costs.

Fluid tight floors, water tight structures and coated slabs

It has been specifically designed to affect cracks between 0.1 and 0.3mm, enabling you to create durable fluid and/or water tight structures with the most stringent serviceability requirements. Combined reinforcement can also be used as the substrate for hard thin toppings such as epoxy layers and other coatings. Along with only one top mesh a crack width limitation designed for the specific SLS requirement can be applied. A coating was applied in order to assure tightness. The slab is subject to a very stringent crack width limitation in order to allow the coating to remain undamaged. A combined solution with only a top mesh + high performing SFRC is a most practical, economical and time saving way of construction.

Structural floors and seismic floors

Industrial floors are usually ground-supported and not interfering with the integrity of the actual building. However, there are structural floors on which the entire building is erected. Those floors additionally act as foundation slab that is bracing and carrying the entire building load. The raft foundation of a 30m high production facility. The whole building is erected on the slab with cantilever columns exerting loads of more than 5 MN and 2 MNm into the slab. An additional requirement was for a seamless construction with crack width limitation to 0.2 mm. Design and execution was in combined reinforcement saving around 60% of the traditional reinforcement that would otherwise have been required. The tremendous effect of this solution was the time saving outcome and the practicability.

In seismic areas, floors function as a tie beam for structural elements, such as columns and pad foundations. Significant uplift forces, and in plane forces during a seismic event, have to be dealt with. A combined solution offers a practical, economical and time saving solution.

Floor on piles

SFRC floors on piles have already been carried out from time to time though with stricter limitations in terms of pile distances, slab thickness and additional amount of reinforcement. All as to date executed SFRC piled floors were usually solutions with additional reinforcement along the pile grid or with a piece of mesh above the piles. Because of its exceptional load bearing capacities, it enable the construction of floors on piles without traditional reinforcement. This does not only save time during construction, but also creates new possibilities for floors on piles.

Clad Rack foundations 

Clad Rack warehouses are any type of storage system in which the shelving facility is part of the building structure, thereby avoiding the need for the civil works of a conventional building. For this type of warehouse, the shelving facility not only supports the load of the stored goods, but also the load of the building envelope, as well as external actions, such as wind, snow and seismic actions. Most clad rack buildings are automatic systems (AS/RS) using robotic equipment for handling loads.

 Accordingly the foundation of this racking system is a real raft foundation that additionally has to fulfill the requirements of a floor. The raft is executed before the rack system is erected, meaning temperature needs to be considered for a monolithic slab type. A typical solution with SFRC can be in combination with or even without the use of mesh or any other traditional reinforcement methods. Because of its unique capabilities, it provides utmost strength and durability to preserve the integrity of the clad rack structure from downward forks, uplift from wind loads and seismic forces. The elimination of traditional reinforcement can achieve significant savings

 Raft foundations

Steel fiber reinforced concrete has been used for years in foundation slabs of residential buildings. The legal possibility to design this kind of load bearing structure was supported by local general approvals. However foundation slabs have been limited to certain loads and size measurements. Due to recent codes (e.g. German Guideline) there is no limitation, neither of applicable loads nor to the size measurement. As such raft foundations of multi storey buildings of any kind can be executed with SFRC, or combined reinforcement respectively. Since these are in most cases heavy loaded rafts, big in size and subject to a stringent crack width limitation combined reinforcement is mostly applied. As a rule of thumb about 50% of the traditional reinforcement gets replaced. This is clearly depending on the SFRC performance are particularly favorable and will generate bigger savings. The raft foundation of the building was carried out in combined reinforcement. One main reason for the decision towards SFRC was to minimize shear studs and shear reinforcement. With the solution using combined reinforcement both has been achieved. Bending reinforcement and reinforcement for crack width requirement has mainly been reduced. On top most foreseen shear studs and shear reinforcement have been completely skipped by the combined solution. As such cost saving, time saving and constructability have been the main reason for this solution. The key applications of the extended application area for SFRC. Different elements other than those mentioned herein are certainly also possible.

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Mechanisms of Crack Formation and Propagation in SFRC

Mechanisms of Crack Formation and Propagation in SFRC

The first crack that appears in a beam normally is in correspondence of the region where the bending moment is maximum and the shear force is small; the cracks are aligned with each other and, more or less, perpendicular to the flexural stress; they are, therefore, in mode I condition. As visible in a normal load‐deflection plot, at a certain point, the behavior from linear becomes non‐linear

 A longitudinal reinforced concrete beam in three point bending. First flexural cracks appear in the region of maximum bending moment (a) accompanied by nonlinearity in load deflection response (denoted by an asterisk in (b)). More flexural cracks appear away from the region of maximum moment under increasing load (c), and a dominant crack propagates towards load point until ultimate failure by crushing of compressive concrete (d).

Changing the beam dimensions or the reinforcement, another kind of collapse could be appreciated that consists into the formation of a secondary crack which crosses the first flexural cracks. This mode of failure (due to the combination of shear and normal stresses) is often sudden and unstable and it is called the diagonal tension mode.

Secondary crack crossing the flexural cracks leads to sudden brittle failure.

The sliding displacement of the inclined crack faces bring into play the aggregate interlock which gives a contribution to the total shear strength. The contribution of dowel action, aggregate interlock and bond stress due to slip are very hard to quantify and even fracture mechanics is not able to describe the crack propagation in a correct way.

Fiber Bridging
The fiber bridging, like the aggregate one, depends on many parameters and, for simplicity, an isolated fiber is investigated along a crack. The fiber contributes to dissipate energy to: (1) matrix fracture and matrix spalling, (2) fibermatrix interface debonding, (3) postdebonding friction between fiber and matrix (fiber pull out), (4) fiber fracture and (5) fiber abrasion and plastic deformation (or yielding) of the fiber.

                                                                    Steel Fiber pull-out

The mechanical behavior of FRC depends surely on the amount of fiber (which shows benefits from 1 % until 15 %, for engineered cementitious composites ECC), on the orientation of the fibers and largely on the pull‐out versus load (or load‐slip) behavior of the individual fibers. In particular, the pull‐out depends on the type and the mechanical/geometrical properties of the fibers, on the mechanical properties of the interface between fiber and matrix, on the angle of inclination of the fiber with respect to the direction of loading and on the mechanical properties of the matrix. A large amount of literature covers this subject.

(a) A schematic illustration of some of the toughening effects and crack front debonding, the Cook Gordon effect, and debonding and sliding in the crack wake. (b) Matrix spalling and matrix cracking. (c) Plastic bending (deformation) of inclined fiber during pullout – both at the crack and at the endanchor.

The fiber pull‐out behavior is the gradual deboning of an interface surrounding the fiber, followed by frictional slip and pull‐out of fiber.

The bond (responsible of the forces transmission between fiber and matrix) has different components:

          the physical and/or chemical adhesion between fiber and matrix;

          the frictional resistance;

          the mechanical component (arising from the fiber geometry, e.g. deformed,   crimped or hooked‐end);
          the fiber‐to‐fiber interlock.

                    Different deboning models for fiber pullout

The deboning criterion can be described with two different approaches:

  •     strength‐based criterion (or stress‐based) where it is assumed that the  deboning initiates when the interfacial shear stress exceeds the shear strength.
  •       Fracture‐based criterion that considers the deboning zone as an interfacial crack together with the evaluation of fracture parameters and energy consideration.

Once deboning has taken place, stress transfer develops owing to frictional resistance that, in its turn, can be described, as depicted in, with the following different relationships:

  •         constant friction
  •               decaying friction (or slip softening)
  •         Slip hardening friction.                 

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Flexural strength is one measure of the tensile strength of concrete. It is a measure of an unreinforced concrete beam or slab to resist failure in bending. It is measured by loading 6 x 6-inch (150 x 150-mm) concrete beams with a span length at least three times the depth. The flexural strength is expressed as Modulus of Rupture (MR) in psi (MPa) and is determined by standard test methods ASTM C 78 (third-point loading) or ASTM C 293 (center-point loading). Flexural MR is about 10 to 20 percent of compressive strength depending on the type, size and volume of coarse aggregate used. However, the best correlation for specific materials is obtained by laboratory tests for given materials and mix design. The MR deter- mined by third-point loading is lower than the MR determined by center-point loading, sometimes by as much as 15%.

Designers of pavements use a theory based on flexural strength. Therefore, laboratory mix design based on flexural strength tests may be required, or a cementitious material content may be selected from past experience to obtain the needed design MR. Some also use MR for field control and acceptance of pavements. Very few use flexural testing for structural concrete. Agencies not using flexural strength for field control generally find the use of compressive strength convenient and reliable to judge the quality of the concrete as delivered.

Beam specimens must be properly made in the field. Pavement concrete mixtures are stiff (1/2 to 2 1/2-inch slump). Consolidate by vibration in accordance with ASTM C 31 and tap sides to release air pockets. For higher slump, after rodding, tap the molds to release air pockets and spade along the sides to consolidate. Never allow the beam surfaces to dry at any time. Immerse in saturated limewater for at least 20 hours before testing. Specifications and investigation of apparent low strengths should take into account the higher variability of flexural strength results. Standard deviation for concrete flexural strengths up to 800 psi (5.5 MPa) for projects with good control range from about 40 to 80 psi (0.3 to 0.6 MPa). Standard deviation values over 100 psi (0.7 MPa) may indicate testing problems. There is a high likelihood that testing problems, or moisture differences within a beam caused from premature drying, will cause low strength. Where a correlation between flexural and compressive strength has been established in the laboratory, core strengths by ASTM C 42 can be used for compressive strength to check against the desired value using the ACI 318 criteria of 85 percent of specified strength for the average of three cores. It is impractical to saw beams from a slab for flexural testing. Sawing beams will greatly reduce measured flexural strength and should not be done. In some instances, splitting tensile strength of cores by ASTM C 496 is used, but experience is limited on how to apply the data. Another procedure for in-place strength investigation uses compressive strength of cores calibrated by comparison with acceptable placements in proximity to the concrete in question.


Flexural tests are extremely sensitive to specimen preparation, handling, and curing procedure. Beams are very heavy and can be damaged when handled and trans- ported from the jobsite to the lab. Allowing a beam to dry will yield lower strengths. Beams must be cured in a standard manner, and tested while wet. Meeting all these requirements on a jobsite is extremely difficult often resulting in unreliable and generally low MR values. A short period of drying can produce a sharp drop in flexural strength. Many state highway agencies have used flexural strength but are now changing to compressive strength or maturity concepts for job control and quality assurance of concrete paving. Cylinder compressive strengths are also used for concrete structures. NRMCA and the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) have a policy that compressive strength testing is the preferred method of concrete acceptance and that certified technicians should con- duct the testing. ACI Committees 325 and 330 on concrete pavement construction and design and the Port- land Cement Association (PCA) point to the use of compressive strength tests as more convenient and reliable. The concrete industry and inspection and testing agencies are much more familiar with traditional cylinder compression tests for control and acceptance of concrete. Flexure can be used for design purposes, but the corresponding compressive strength should be used to order and accept the concrete. Any time trial batches are made, both flexural and compressive tests should be made so that a correlation can be developed for field control.

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Thursday, April 23, 2020

fibmix - steel fiber

Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete 

FIBMIX Steel Fiber For Laser Screed and Industrial flooring 
Cold-drawn hooked ends steel fiber FIBMIX 3X is manufactured by a quality base low carbon steel bar, which has excellent mechanical properties including high tensile strength. LaserScreed improves the floor flatness and increases productivity while the steel fibers improve the performance of the slab. Steel fiber FIBMIX - 3X reinforcing is included in the concrete mix and does not impede the movement of the LaserScreed. This is not true with conventional reinforcement as it must be “chaired” in position before the concrete is deposited on the subgrade. This decreases the mobility of the Laser Screed and makes it almost impossible to get the mesh in the proper position. For More information

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020



                                                           Fig: Portland cement

The time period during which concrete was first invented depends on how one interprets the term “concrete.”  Ancient materials were crude cements made by crushing and burning gypsum or limestone. Lime also refers to crushed, burned limestone. When sand and water were added to these cements, they became mortar, which was a plaster-like material used to adhere stones to each other.  Over thousands of years, these materials were improved upon, combined with other materials and, ultimately, morphed into modern concrete. Today’s concrete is made using Portland cement, coarse and fine aggregates of stone and sand, and water.  Admixtures are chemicals added to the concrete mix to control its setting properties and are used primarily when placing concrete during environmental extremes, such as high or low temperatures, windy conditions, etc. The precursor to concrete was invented in about 1300 BC when Middle Eastern builders found that when they coated the outsides of their pounded-clay fortresses and home walls with a thin, damp coating of burned limestone, it reacted chemically with gases in the air to form a hard, protective surface. This wasn’t concrete, but it was the beginning of the development of cement.
                                     Fig:  History of concrete

Early composite materials typically included mortar-crushed, burned limestone, sand and water, which was used for building with stone, as opposed to casting the material in a mold, which is essentially how modern concrete is used, with the mold being the concrete forms. As one of the key constituents of modern concrete, cement has been around for a long time. About 12 million years ago in what is now Israel, natural deposits were formed by reactions between limestone and oil shale that were produced by spontaneous combustion. However, cement is not concrete. Concrete is a composite building material and the ingredients, of which cement is just one, have changed over time and are changing even now. The performance characteristics can change according to the different forces that the concrete will need to resist. These forces may be gradual or intense, they may come from above (gravity), below (soil heaving), the sides (lateral loads), or they might take the form of erosion, abrasion or chemical attack. The ingredients of concrete and their proportions are called the design mix.

A French gardener by name Joseph Monier first invented the reinforced concrete in the year 1849. If not for this reinforced concrete most of the modern buildings would not have been standing today. Reinforced concrete can be used to produce frames, columns, foundation, beams etc. Reinforcement material used should have excellent bonding characteristic, high tensile strength and good thermal compatibility. Reinforcement requires that there shall be smooth transmission of load from the concrete to the interface between concrete and reinforcement material and then on to reinforcement material. Thus the concrete and the material reinforced shall have the same strain.

                                                                                      Fig:  Steel Fiber reinforced concrete

The steel bars are reinforced into the concrete. The bars have a rough, corrugated surface thus allowing better bonding with steel rebar’s the concrete gets extra tensile strength. The compression strength, bending also shown marked improvement thermal expansion characteristic of steel rebar’s and concrete shall match. The rebar shall have cross sectional are equal to 1% for slabs and beams, this can be 6% in case of columns. The concrete has alkaline nature, this forms a passivating film around the bars thereby protecting it from corrosion. This passivating film will not form neutral or acidic condition. Carbonation of concrete takes place along with chloride absorption resulting in failure of steel rebar. By comparing the tension capacity of steel bars and concrete + steel reinforcements the reinforced concrete can be called as under reinforced (tensile capacity of bars in less than concrete + bar) it is over reinforced (tensile capacity of steel is greater than concrete + steel tensile strength. The over reinforced fails without giving prior warning and under reinforced fails but gives a deformation warning before it fails. Therefore it is better to consider an under reinforced concrete. The long process of inventing modern steel fiber reinforced concrete started in 1874, when A. Bernard, in California, patented the idea of strengthening concrete with the help of the addition of steel splinters (Maidl 1995). Another 36 years passed before Porter in 1910 mentioned the possibility of applying short wire to concrete. This was supposed to improve homogeneity of concrete reinforced by thick wire. In 1918, in France, H. Alfsen patented a method of modifying concrete by long steel fibers, long wooden fibers, and fibers made of other materials. According to him, the addition of such fibers was to increase tensile strength of concrete (Maidl 1995). Alfsen was the first to mention the influence of coarseness of the surface of fibers onto their adhesiveness to matrix, and it was also he who paid special attention to the problem of anchorage of fibers. After these first patents, there were numerous others, but generally they concerned different shapes and probable applications of readymade SFRC.

                                                                                                       Fig:  Concreting

For instance, the patent from 1927 worked out in California by G.C. Martin, regarded the production of SFRC pipes. In 1938, N. Zitkewic patented a way to increase the strength and impact resistance of concrete by adding cut pieces of steel wire (Jamrozy 1985). Steel fibers, patented in 1943 by G. Constancinesco, were already very similar to the ones used at present. The patent, apart from different shapes of fibers, contained information about the kind and dispersion of cracks during loading of SFRC elements and it made mentioned of the great amount of energy which is absorbed by SFRC under impact. The largest number of patents concerning the use of steel fibers to modify concrete have been submitted in the USA, France, and Germany in the years following. Wide applications of fiber reinforced composites in civil engineering were limited for a long time by lack of reliable methods of examination and mainly by the sudden progress of traditional rod reinforcement.  Concrete is most widely used construction material in the world due to its ability to get cast in any form and shape. It also replaces old construction materials such as brick and stone masonry. The strength and durability of concrete can be changed by making appropriate changes in its ingredients like cemetitious material, aggregate and water and by adding some special ingredients. Hence concrete is very well suitable for a wide range of applications. However concrete has some deficiencies as listed below:
1) Low tensile strength
2) Low post cracking capacity
3) Brittleness and low ductility
4) Limited fatigue life
5) Incapable of accommodating large deformations
6) Low impact strength
The presence of micro cracks in the mortar-aggregate interface is responsible for the inherent weakness of plain concrete. The weakness can be removed by inclusion of fibers in the mixture. Different types of fibers, such as those used in traditional composite materials can be introduced into the concrete mixture to increase its toughness, or ability to resist crack growth. The fibers help to transfer loads at the internal micro cracks. Such a concrete is called fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC). The concept of using fibers in order to reinforce matrices weak in tension is more than 4500 years old.

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